As an Army wife I am around a ton of different kinds of people. Most of them share the same opinion on our families Christmas traditions though. We have dinner just like we always do and we wake up in the morning and open gifts. We don't have a tree or any decorations just gifts that I saved up over the year. I also do gifts a bit different than most families. When my son does something amazing I get a gift, it can be big or small depending on budget, but I wrap it then I write a letter explaining why he is getting the gift. example: you haven't had any potty accidents in a month. I will go on about how happy and proud I am of him. Then on Christmas we read all the letters on what wonderful things happened in the year and open gifts that we can all be thankful for. Some people think it is cruel to do things this way, because when they are teens they might be bad as hell, but the way I look at it is if you got one gift then I guess you should try harder next year.
Anyway, I have let myself get sidetracked... The holidays are usually a very hard time for people health wise. They binge on all the delish food on thanksgiving and Christmas. Then when the new year comes around the gyms are littered with people and their new years resolutions. I choose to stick with my holiday traditions and let things happen. As a military family we don't have much money and I don't want my children to think we live some lavish life and start expecting things that we just cannot deliver.
This year things will be a tiny bit different in that we are hosting a multifamily Thanksgiving. Everyone is going to bring something and hopefully it can save everyone some money and bring our military families together, since most of us do not have the money or the leave time to go back to the mainland to be with family. Being a foster child I know that blood has nothing to do with who your family is and I'm very happy to call all these ladies my family.
I hope to feel better by then since I started birth control recently and have found myself being very depressed. I haven't been showing up to my workout group, I stopped running and I just find it hard to get out of bed. Sometimes I feel depressed to the point where I shouldn't be alone with my own thoughts. I have only been on it for a month and I can see a huge change in myself, so my husband is going in to get snipped. I think it will make a huge difference since I have a terrible fear of getting pregnant again and ending up 300lbs. We have gone from a healthy intimate life to non-existent because of my fear.
I know a lot of people get depressed during the holidays, but I really want to work hard to get out of this slump. My grandma comes to visit in 60 days and I have been so off track she wont notice any difference in me if i keep this sloth like attitude up. On a good note today I went to a birthday party for A's kids and I hated the cake(butter cream yuck) so I didn't eat it, all of it, shamefully in the bathroom like some closet fat girl. Speaking of, I used to eat in my car so people wouldn't see me eating. I thought they would be thinking " why is she eating". So, I have gone completely off course, but the point of it is...don't let yourself get sidetracked in all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Don't think you have to eat certain foods and do certain activities just because everyone else if doing it. It's your life and your family so make your own traditions. Eat what you want and don't wait until January to start working out only to quit two weeks later. Also, if you are hosting a holiday maybe try and make healthy alternatives to the norm. Here in Hawaii we have purple sweet potatoes that i think are more sweet. So instead of can candied yams I use the purple ones, and it's fun to eat purple food. For mashed potatoes I use red potatoes, 2% milk instead of whole and try to let people add their own salt and butter. Just a few little changes might help a twinge. Do you guys have any tips on how to keep healthy during these delicious times?

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