So I wrote a little about watching your weight during the holidays, and I know not everyone's birthday is during or right after holidays like mine is. Every few years my birthday lands on superbowl Sunday, and that would be fine for football fans, but I'm no football fan and every few years of my life no one would show up for my party. When I got older I would end up just going to superbowl parties, but with that comes A LOT of snacks that will go straight to your ass so be careful during the last holiday (superbowl sunday).
I think I started resenting my birthday long before I understood super bowl though.. I was raised by my grandparents and every year my mom would promise she was coming and I would wait on my porch for hours. They would try and bring me in to hang out with friends and family but I waited until it was dark. I guess it hurt so bad because the one person in the world I thought should be there couldn't find the time to see me. As I got older I kind of obsessed about making it perfect and every year I'd cry and nothing was EVER good enough.
This year I'm changing things up. I expect nothing. I usually use my birthday to get my way. Example: my husband won't ever go ice skating so I might use my birthday as an excuse to guilt him into doing it with me. My husband is an amazing sport and always gives in to what I want. I talk a lot of crap and I'm sure, no positive my friends think I'm some sort of diva birthday monster, but the truth is...This year is different.

Maybe it's the new trying to be more active Bonnie wanting to get out of the normal eating cake or going out drinking.
My husband just interrupted my typing to ask if I knew I had a package from my grandma. I just opened it and at the bottom was a photo album. Before I pulled it out I burst into tears! It was pictures of me growing up, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

realized fun isn't forced.
I have no clue if my friends are planning anything(truly for once I have not snooped or asked questions) I'm sure they would take me out for a girls night because I'm a lush, but that isn't at all what I would want. I want to be surrounded by people who genuinely are happy to be my friend. I don't want a party I want no financial burdens on anyone. The most perfect birthday I ever had was my first birthday in a tent surrounded by the people who love me most. No cake no frills just good friends. So I apologize now for being such a brat because I prayed on it and all I want is your friendship.
I will be planning a camping trip and if no one comes that's okay cuz I don't want anyone bringing down our fun.
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