We had the mountain people join us for this hike and they were a pleasure to have.
We mostly live in central oahu, and the good hikes are on the far side of the island. So we decided it would be smartest to leave at 6am to make it there by 7am so it wasn't too hot.(cough cough like the light house hike blah) It is a beautiful drive across the island with little traffic on an early sunday morning. When you get close there will be a golf course on the right and some dirt with a small trench on the side of the road. This is the best place to park. You will walk toward the gated community and turn left you will see the sign pictured.
B-Bitch 2.0 pictured on the left Bonnie(me)on the right |

So here we are all bright eyed and bushy tailed just excited to hike this thing, and catch the amazing views. So the hike will be to the right of the sign. There aren't many hikes(that I've been on anyway) that made me want to quit the second step in haha. Okay, so there will be a rope to the left...Don't be a tuff guy and not use it, it sucks!
So you get up all that horrid stuff boom you feel impressed with yourself...Then... you think oh it's starting to ease up. WRONG! Then more up hill, like straight up. So you finally huff and puff to the first pill box. The views are gorgeous, but even this fat girl wanted to see more. You will pass this pillbox(bunker) and move on to the next. The hike to the second one in comparison is an easy one. So just walk around and take lots of pictures to send to jealous family on the mainland. I'm going to count what we found as a third pillbox even though it was tiny.

In between the second and third pillbox we decided to pull the surprize cupcake I had stashed for "L". She was turned around while "b-bitch2.0" took her picture. We pretended to have camera malfunction and started singing her happy birthday. She was so surprised and the happy look on her face was worth the painful hike to the top. We thought it would be funny to be a hungry mob.(since we are fat girls ;) She had a few bites and we were on our way to the third pillbox. We got there and it was much smaller but we were still excited to see it. By this point I wasn't huffing and puffing over every ridge.
After the third pillbox stuff started to get real.... Well, let me explain. There was nothing really left to see, so we had to choose, go forward and have to find the car through the city or just turn around and go back the way we came. The group( I had no hand in this haha) choose to move forward. At first it didn't seem so bad and we we even having fun. We came across an older man and asked him how far the start of the hike(ie our car) was from the end point. He said about a mile but warned us that it gets extremely treacherous at the end. My grandmas voice ringing in my ears I said lets just turn around, but onward we went.
The huffing and puffing started again as the incline started to get steeper. We stopped a few times, but for the most part just went for it. I was in the front of the pack(by default not by skill). The last ridge is pretty nuts you will need to use your hands to help you up on some parts. we got to the top. That picture is me being so proud of myself I almost cried, but I held it together cuz ya know...I got a rep =). oh yeah, see that drop off behind me? Have you guessed how to get down to the ground yet? Well, first I will tell you we gained 1,362 ft and the highest ridge was a 689ft gain from one to another. Look, I am not at all scared of heights but we had a long way down.

So, I was the first one to start headed down this beast. I took a few steps and fell. I caught myself by grabbing a tree. I was too scared to be the leader of the pack on this one, so B-bitch 2.0 took the lead taking a few steps and sliding down past me. "L's" giant water jug barreling past her. I felt helpless to help her as I held on to the tree. It was one of those moments you just want to close your eyes and wake up I didn't want to go back I didn't want to go forward. I looked around, still holding onto the tree, and thru the bushes I saw a path to the left I made my way through and saw it was slightly easier. I tarzaned my way from tree to tree slipping and sliding the whole way down. the "easy" path will cross the hard one going to the right, TAKE IT! We made it almost all the way down when I lost my footing and slid I had a hold of a small tree and that's all that saved me from possibly hurting myself worse.
This is the end. I was fighting back tears for the picture. |
I fell and landed on the side of the very narrow path hitting my ankle on a rock. I stopped there somewhat in shock and pain. I continued on even though the pain was awful. I knew it wasn't broken and I figured I was being a baby. We only had about 300ft to the bottom, and I took my time the rest of the way down. With tears pouring down my face, I was hot and in pain and just wanted it to be over. I heard the voices of the girls who had finished and I felt over joyed. It was over... And as all the other times I felt so proud of all of us, we did it! Who knew what a couple of fat girls could do? We always head to the beach after our hikes and this is one of my favorites. It was a pretty great day.

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