We all have a little competitor in us.. I remember the first day I met one of my best friends "Gumbie". She came into the dance class and we all turned around to look at her. She stood there in a gymnastics leo and we all giggled. She looked at her mom like really -_- you told me this is what they wear! ha-ha. She came and followed along.. I remember I busted my buns wanting to show her I was not going to be beat. I stretched further and leaped higher than any other day of practice. Well I found out the hard way she's some double jointed stretchy freak of nature and was not to be messed with in the flexibility department. We are great friends now, but I have always loved a good competition.
Meet the girls

Bonnie Belair- but you know me.I guess I got the name because I never give up on people(ya now some bonnie and clyde shit) and belair because i have some serious trunk space haha. I'm not sure what my friend personality is, but I'm here the listener the constant talker..That girl with no filter that you can't bring around your sensitive friends.opps...I'm just me.. A girl trying to figure out how to be a grown up..A healthy grown up.

My friend "A"- aka the non gay soft ball player haha grew up playing softball just like me, but the difference is she picked it back up and I am too much of a fraidy cat to try again and fail. We both started running together and both failed in the beginning. We have both been running at different times with different people, and have friendly competition with one another. I know at this point she can beat me but I'm always joking around saying,"as long as I beat A".
"The beast" this girl is a sleeper! She motivates me beyond words. She came out of nowhere, I'm really not even sure who told her about the group but I am so happy to have her with us. I ran with her last night and she helped to push me to my 2 mile straight goal. I am working to running 7 miles straight with her for a race coming up. I know it is gonna be some serious work, but I hope to be ready in time. I will be running everyday, just about, to prepare.

"L" aka pep pep hooray- Do you have that friend who wakes up with what seems to be sunshine in their eyes and a rainbow coming from their complexions? yeah to say the least she wakes up on the right side of the bed, at least every morning I've seen her. I walk up to our workout group and there she is with a huge smile cheering me on as I force myself to run to the other side of the playground. But what would I do without her? Her positivity has helped
me become a tolerable person.

"The womb"-This girl has 4 kids, no wonder shes fearless! She recently jumped off a 50 foot cliff and broke her tailbone, but is still going strong. She was once a recluse but after four hours on the phone with me one day she has come out and been an amazing part of the group. She is crazy and will always be the one to get me to jump off things.I'm terrified for what she makes me do next haha
"My belle"(get the beatles reference?) She lives in the mountains so she never makes it to the group for fear of setting off her 1950's style alarm system. But she makes it to the hikes and we have fun fun fun me loves her(in a non lesbianotic way)

"B-bitch 2.0" aka skinny bitch shes that friend that makes you wanna pass on fries so technically keeping her around is good for my calorie count. Except we both have a gross obsession with panda express. AHHHH it will be the slow delicious death of us. she always smiles and never gives up. To my knowledge she is the only one who can do a pull up..(that bitch) and she is down for anything at the drop of a hat. me loves my skinny bitch. Oh did I mention she weighs a 75 lbs less then me and we have 2 kids the same age. -_- yeah once i got over the that.. haha i totally should have tried harder we could be sharing clothes about now. damn i wanna squeeze into those lace shorts.

"ms.showers" I got her pregnant(but thats another story for another time) so she has to take it easy, but she hasn't quit. I so happy for her even though I know she must be terrified to gain more weight, but we will not let her fail. Her sneaking me slurpies mmmmmm i should hate her but how can I haha.

"the veteran" she is tuff and I don't feel she gives herself enough credit. I love her but our friendship is a toxic one(shes a baker ;) she has been out of commision because of a hurt ankle.

Derby princess- She is a tuff cookie with a gooey inside. Don't let her looks full you, this girl will be the first to give you a hand. She is too hard on herself but I look forward to the day she looks in the mirror and sees her hard work is really paying off. I will never give up on her. haha but who knows maybe she doesn't wanna lose weight cuz she knows I'd give her all my clothes. But dispite a giant list of injuries she is still trucking. ( that is when she wakes up on time ;)
Side note: these are not any nick names I call them..for some reason this is what came to mind. More will be added and some will be edited. Sorry if any offense was taken
Muffin top workout
10 side bends(each side)
10 weighted twists
10 bow extension with knee lift( each side)
10 "fire hydrants" (each side)
20 second side plank lifts x2 each side
10 seated can can
1 comment:
Haha I love you megan you're so awesome. And one day you will steal my lacey shorts and fit into them :-)
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