Tuesday, October 29, 2013

my life as a fat girl 10:Oahu, Hawaii Koko Head trail hike Review

Today was our ladies hike.. Okay, why on earth we still let the womb pick hikes is beyond me haha because a quarter of the way up we are always questioning why we keep taking her advice on what trail to pick. The parking is actually really good compared to other hikes on Oahu. You will walk though the parking lot and see the trail on the left. You will then walk down a short paved road to the head of the trail. 
    So it starts off what we will call "slow" since this hike is a world of suck! Its a straight forward hike(literally). You cannot get lost on this trail, but it is easy to become dehydrated so please remember water.  It's a little over 1,000 steps that are formed from rail road ties. The steps with concrete are slick with loose dirt so watch your step.  The "bridge" is the half way point it is scary if you have even a slight fear of heights but don't fret.  There is a trail to the right that you can take right before the bridge. I decided to crawl up the bridge, but on the way down I tried to walk across it but was too terrified so i had to sit down and crawl back up to take the path around.  Take it slow because once you think you can see the end your mind will start thinking it will never end.
 At the top of the trail there will be some old bunkers and other old buildings no longer in use.  There are a ton of chance for awesome pictures so take your time and enjoy the break. You will go up and to the left will be big rocks to climb up or you can go to the right for a much easier path.  Once all the way at the top there will be another bunker you can climb on and take pictures. If you look to the right there will be a trail, but please take extreme caution in proceeding on this path because there have been recent deaths of people falling off. I went a short ways until the path started to get dangerous.
    There will be people there that do this trail every week, and good
for them but a few days later and I still feel it! Take your time and please don't go alone your first time.  I do not suggest wearing slippas on this trail although I did see people barefoot(also not suggested). I didn't think it was safe for me personally to carry my baby up this trail since I had to bend down a lot to pull my short self up on some of the big steps and I did slide on some of the loose gravel.  Take it slow it isn't a race! and make sure to always be polite, if you're a slower hiker please move to the side for people.

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