Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My life as a fat girl 9: Peddle to fitness

    Today I walked in the door and saw my husband sitting watching youtube. I was carrying a sleeping baby and got the great idea to go to the gym. so I passed that baby off and I walked over there, opened the door....I was the only one there, yay! As most of my fellow fat girls would probably agree, we don't like an audience to the jiggling, huffing and puffing.  It's a community center gym and there's not much to it, but I prefer to be alone. I actually just found the key my hubs had lost(it was under the floor mat in our truck) -_-.
    I sat on the bike with a goal in mind. I wanted to finish 10 miles in 1 hour increasing intensity every 2 miles. I was getting to that last stretch and boom time passes and I didn't make it. I went over by 5 seconds, but am still very proud of myself. I haven't been really setting any goals for myself. I just wanted to get through the days.
    My grandma is coming to visit me in January, and I just can't let her see me fat. Of course I want to be healthy for me blah blah but I really want her to see me and cry! I know she wants me to get in shape, as do I. I think the moment she sees me, if I should succeed will be absolutely priceless. So as I was riding I just kept looking at my thunderous thighs. I was almost cursing them in my mind. Every time I would look up I would see the sign on the wall NO FOOD!!!NO FOOD!!!NO FOOD!!! It was as if it was taunting me and my inner anorexic girl. But I had this crazy battle," no Ana, no, you wont win!" insane I know, but if you have battled this B**** you will understand that even a simple sign can set you on some crazy trip down it was a sign I shouldn't eat.
    So here I am...A big girl, a scared girl, a girl who just drank 50 oz of water(ahhh gotta pee). lol k I'm back with a snack 12 grapes(cut in half) 1 celery stalk with peanut butter and a string cheese. I have found snacking to be hard.  You go your whole life with people telling you if you snack you will get fat, but it is just not true. Pass up the chips and go for something healthy. I cut my grapes in half to make it seem like I'm getting more. As i go I will try and share some tips and tricks I pick up along the way.  Now get up and do something active!

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